So the past couple of weeks I have been busy and not making crafts like I normally would. My husband, James, went to Hawaii for an entire week to visit with his Dad. We sure missed him and are glad he is back now. While he was away, I had my mom and my sisters family come and visit. We had a lot of fun and made some fun crafts, but unfortunately, James had my camera in hawaii so I couldn't take and post pictures.
While James was away, I figured I would surprise him by redecorating our room. I decided to stain the wall behind our bed because it is so plain, and James doesn't want anything on the wall over his sleeping head, so I thought staining a design would be fun. My sister-in-law, Nicole, had stained her kitchen wall and it turned out so cute, that it gave me the courage to try. It took me 4 hours to "stain" the design on using a stencil, then another hour to rub the stain to "antique" the wall. I think the time and effort was worth it. I think the wall turned out kinda fun.

I was worried the design was a little too busy, but I liked the softness the ragging created to help tone it down. (Sorry the picutre is so bad, but it was late at night and the wall obviously reflected my camera's flash)

Here is the room when James arrived home. The wall is all finished, the bedding nice and new, decorative pillows, and plants have all been added as well.

Here are my curtains. In the 5 years we have been living here, we have never had curtains so I thought it would be a fun touch. I had never hung a curtain rod by myself, so that was a fun little experience. I did however, have my mother-in-law put the curtains together for me. She did a great job using my 2 panels to form a nice "scarf" on top. The curtains have really warmed up and softened the room. . . . I love them!

Next, I made this little shirt for Katelyn. I had seen on someone's blog how they had used bleach to "color" a shirt. Katelyn has these cute butterfly pants and so I thought it would be fun to try and make a matching shirt. It didn't turn out like I had hoped, but it was my first try and since I couldn't find the blog (I looked for hours!) I just winged it. I think I'll try again, but for now, it's nice to have a $3 shirt to wear around the house. (you can't have too many of those with little kids!)
And finally, to start celebrating Easter and spring we made these fun "Bug" eggs. When I was browsing through my Oriental Trading magazine, I saw these cute bug eggs you could purchase (I beleive already filled with candy too!) I thought they were so cute. But, of course, thought it would make a fun craft so I had to copy it for myself. So I ran to the store and purchased some craft foam, traced the egg, and started decorating. I thought they were so fun! My little 5 year olds (well my child and my niece) did a great job!

Next Up: An easter wreath for my door.